Great opportunity for Python student developers at Google Summer of Code 2007

The Google Summer of Code is an annual program first held during the summer of 2005. It’s a program that helps student developers to create new open source programs.

The goal of this program is to get university students familiar with open-source software development by working on a summer-long coding project. Participants not only have an opportunity to work on a challenging project, but also receive a stipend of $4500!

When Google started this program in 2005, Google accepted 410 projectsand 41 mentoring organizations. In 2006 Google’s Summer of Codeaccepted a whopping 630 projects spread across 102 mentoringorganizations.

Google is looking for students from undergrad through Ph.D levels towork on new open source code and mentors to mentor these students.Mentors will give students a helping hand and guidance on theirprojects. This is a great opportunity to get involved in open sourceprojects. Students enrolled in accredited learning institutions wereinvited to apply to participate by entering an application at theGoogle website.

24th March is Student application deadline. On 9th April they would publish the List of accepted student applications.

This program is also a good way of supporting open source. From a financialpoint of view, Google’s Summer of Code effort can pump millions ofdollars into the open source community.

Last year Google hired some students from this program, so its a golden opportunity for students to get a job at Google!

Google recently published the list of mentoring organizationsparticipating in Google Summer of Code 2007. They have accepted PythonSoftware Foundation into Google Summer of Code.

Python based Organizations Participating in Google Summer of Code 2007 :

  1. MoinMoin Wiki Project
  2. Bazaar
  3. Open Source Applications Foundation
  4. Zope Foundation, Inc
  5. wxPython
  6. Plone Foundation
  7. Python Software Foundation

This is the first time ZOPE Foundation has got in. It’s little surprising to see that Django and TurboGears could not make it.


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