Synergies between J2EE, SOA and Web2.0

Ramesh Loganathan’s session on Synergies between J2EE SOA and Web 2.0 presented at the Conference On Java Technology.

Abstract : SOA and Web2.0 are now embedded deep into application infrastructure and architectures today. While SOA is the fabric across the organization, Web2.0 is at the fringes providing a rich user experience while accessing various resources over the web. Somewhere in the middle, is J(2)EE.

In its incumbent capacity as a leading applications infrastructure platform, it comes in the path of both Web2.0 and SOA. This session explores how JEE snugly fits in, and establishes a few usage patterns for SOA and Web2.0, centered around J(2)EE.

Click to download the PDF of Ramesh’s powerpoint presentation “Synergies between J2EE, SOA and Web2.0

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SpeakerRamesh Loganathan, VP Middleware Technologies, Pramati

** 100 kbps Real Video. Takes a hit on video quality, but will work on slow Internet connections.

* The Conference On Java Technology

* Understanding Web Services and SOA

* What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

* Are you Ajax Enabled? Everybody else is.

* Rising adoption of Ajax, SOA and even Java

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