Getting started with Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)

Various technologies like Ajax,
Flash and Java Swing are competing to provide the rich
internet experience that users are looking for. Although ‘Rich Internet
Application’ is an ambiguous phrase that can mean different things to
different people, there’s research to suggest that companies do want
RIA, whatever it means.

In an article on Syscon, Coach
Wei looks at the origins of RIA and the various RIA options.
He quotes a Gartner Research that says “By 2010, at least 60% of new
application development projects will
include RIA technology, and at least 25% of those will rely primarily
of RIA (0.7 probability)”

He classifies RIA approaches into:

* Object-oriented programming (OOP) based approaches, such as
Java and .NET and
* Scripting-based approaches, including AJAX and Flash

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