Cloud Computing Hype Is At Its Peak

The Gartner Hype Cycle Special Report for 2009 provides a snapshot of key technologies and trends in a specific technology, topic, geographic region, or industry domain.

“Technologies at the Peak of Inflated Expectations during 2009 include cloud computing, e-books (such as from Amazon and Sony) and Internet TV (for example, Hulu), while social software and microblogging sites (such as Twitter) have tipped over the peak and will soon experience disillusionment among enterprise users,” said Jackie Fenn, vice president and Gartner Fellow, and co-author of the book “Mastering the Hype Cycle”.

As enterprises seek to consume their IT services in the most cost-effective way, interest is growing in drawing a broad range of services (for example, computational power, storage and business applications) from the “cloud,” rather than from on-premises equipment. The levels of hype around cloud computing in the IT industry are deafening, with every cloud company expounding its cloud strategy and variations, such as private cloud computing and hybrid approaches, compounding the hype.

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