eHour Java based time tracker releases new version

eHour is an open source web-based time tracking tool for consultancy companies and other project based businesses. The application is developed following enterprise standards such as Java 1.5, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Acegi and Maven 2. Automated testing is implemented using Junit, Easymock and DBUnit. Continuous integration is taken care of by Continuum.

The primary objective of eHour is to
keep time tracking as simple and user friendly as possible while still
being very effective at measuring and reporting the amount of time your
team spends on a project.

Version 0.5 of eHour is major release with two new assignment types, project
manager reports and a couple of UI enhancements and fixed.

With the two new assignment types flex and fixed time allotted, an admin
can define a maximum number of hours for an employee to book on a project.

Also a project manager can be assigned to a project. The project manager
receives e-mail warnings when an employee books all the allotted hours and
(s)he can view project specific reports.

Full documentation is now available on the website and contextual help is
added to the admin pages.

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