Jasypt Library 1.0 For Java Encryption and Cryptography

Jasypt (Java Simplified Encryption) has released version 1.0. Jasypt
allows the developer to add basic encryption capabilities to his/her
projects with minimum effort, and without the need of having deep
knowledge on how cryptography works.

Feature Overview:
* It follows the RSA standards for Password-Based Cryptography.
* It is completely thread-safe.
* Can be both used in an “easy” way, with almost no difficulty, or in a highly-configurable, power-user way.
* It provides comprehensive guides and javadoc documentation, to allow developers to better understand what they are really doing to their data.
* It provides a Hibernate integration add-on (jasypt-hibernate) for persisting fields of your mapped entities in an encrypted manner. Encryption of fields is defined in the Hibernate mapping files, and it remains transparent for the rest of the application (useful for sensitive personal data, databases with many read-enabled users…)
* It can be perfectly integrated into a Spring application. All the digesters and encryptors in jasypt are designed to be easily used (instantiated, dependency-injected…) from an IoC container like Spring. And, because of it being thread-safe, they can be used without worries in a singleton-oriented environment like Spring.
* It allows a very high lever of configurability: The developer can implement tricks like instructing an “encryptor” to ask a, for example, remote HTTPS server for the password to be used for encryption.

Check Jasypt.org for details.


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0 thoughts on “Jasypt Library 1.0 For Java Encryption and Cryptography

  • February 12, 2007 at 1:37 am

    The article says:
    without the need of having deep knowledge on how cryptography works….
    When will the developer learn Cryptography?Will you hire me as an security expert if I don’t have deep knowledge of cryptography???

  • January 30, 2007 at 7:20 am

    As an apology, Microsoft should donate 100,000 dollars for BlueJ and open source development 🙂

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