Java RIA Library, UltraLightClient version 6.2 offers addons to test applications more easily

The new ULC test extensions offer an improved way for developers to test the user interface of their applications using JUnit and Jemmy. Functional testing with the new UltraLightClient test framework is more reliable and takes into account the client/server setup of UltraLightClient applications, as well as special UltraLightClient features such as lazy loading. This improved test framework takes care of synchronization and enables end-to-end testing with no additional infrastructure code or Jemmy workarounds.

A brand-new integration into Mercury QuickTest Professional offers record and play functionality for test scenarios.

In addition, the following ULC feature requests have been added to the release:

* Custom labels for slider.
* Cell-based popup menus to add a context menu to every cell in a table, a tree, a list, or a table tree.
* A number of small improvements for existing user interface components such as:
o Adding component orientation – from left to right / right to left,
o Scrollable tabs,
o Window decorators,
o Table column events.
* Spinner component support.
* Possibility to customize the InputBlocker during server roundtrips to provide feedback to users.
* Enhanced extensions to access the client file system.

In addition, ULC Visual Editor for Eclipse has been updated to run with this new version of UltralightClient and supports the new ULC features.
Download Canoo UltraLightClient and ULC Visual Editor

>> Canoo Ultralight

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